First of all, it is important to distinguish my sense of the Aryan from the prevalent race theory. In this sense Aryan is a myth, not a race. I point out that the theory of race lends itself to conspiracy which the Flat Earth Model Theory does not support. Rather, the Theory breaks conspiracy to expose illegitimate authority vs. legitimate authority. The theory promotes legitimate authority, and also when its source is not governmental.
Also, Flat Earth Model Theory distances itself from European racists such as de Gobineau, etc. The methodology of race theory depends upon a discredited scientific view called dynamism. The idea that a race is reproduced by a person, dynamically, has been ridiculed and is not supported by modern science. Outside of that, Flat Earth Model Theory does not find a basis for health in any theory of race. Race is and always will be an authority built upon a foundation that is supremacist and ideological and therefore contributory to ill health.
In addition, I do not condone the mix of Aryanism with Nationalism seen in such movements as "white nationalism," and counter indicated by adversarial nationalistic groups. This model of the Aryan myth is not meant to promote violence as a means to an end. It is not meant to supremacy as a mode of conduct in political action. It is not meant as a lightening rod by which to oppose movements that are adversarial or found to be contrary to aims espoused by people with rights. My use of Aryan is simply and significantly the view that the myth is sustaining and authoritative in the exercise of "a right view of life." That is why I stress I have no intention to promote views that advocate achieving an end in politics or society gained by the use of violence or hate. I believe I can show the Aryan myth is not a violent or hateful motif.
What is Aryanism? The myth is that evidence of people who migrated across Europe from East Asia, the remnant of that people now in East India for thousands of years. The teaching of the myth is the stories of the exercise of value and virtue upon which survival depended. This is a flat teaching in a flat world. The travel is a journey 'across' the planet. The skills that were of value and of virtue were exercised by authorities whose views looked 'across' the land. The exercise of these skills was according to a line and a plane that did not curve. Against a vanishing sun. There was not a horizon. There were no valleys. The journey they undertook was 'up' and 'down', not 'over' or 'around'. In Aryanism was the unique exercise of a flat authority. An authority from one person whose success depended upon the conquest of his world. Within the myth we see this world written by history according to meanings defined by successes within a universe defined by four corners, a universe built upon an authority with no more knowledge than its experience had provided. This is a unique requirement for the flat earth theory. Flat Earth is not an exercise of science. It is an exercise of an authority built upon observations that satisfy immediate needs but do not have to also meet a model for science. Instead, they meet the requirements to complete a view of a whole person. The person is satisfied with the completion of his task, not with that also meaning the construction of a true model. The uniqueness of Flat Earth is that its tasks satisfy a requirement for knowledge that does not necessarily construct a true model, but that need only be expressed as a law. It is the explanation of laws that we look for in the sayings of Aryanism.