Mike Sanders @MikeSan69992554 · Dec 14 My FEM theory unmasks conspiracy as the belief in one (1) authority that should be replaced by a more appropriate auth. By auth. I mean who we rely on in what we believe. In other words, facts and opinions create an argument for a defensible position within a debate that takes place to advance a model which is created within a methodology which is the practice of a particular science. The scientific model of truth is based upon, or comes out of, the definition of truth as organic, that is, of, for and by people. In short, the authority is the person whose argument defines the methodology for a particular model. Theory speaks to those statements that compose the argument. As people we are faced with a number of models out of which we construct a system of belief. It happens that one model, or another, might not hold true for a person. When that happens that person enters a state of ill health. The ill health can be psychological, or physical. Spiritual ill health won't be treated at this time because my Flat Earth Model presumes a healthy state of spirituality. One cause of the state of ill health is conspiracy. Conspiracy takes place when an authority presupposes a model whose facts or opinions do not hold together in the real world. Conspirators falsify either facts and/or opinions for personal gain. Conspiracies introduce, in the person, a state of unbelief. When people continue to believe in models which are, if fact, conspiracies they belong to a movement that seeks to accomplish an ill gotten gain. Because, in our life, we seek reward for our participation in movements, social, economic and political, the accomplishment of such movements that are conspiratorial is always unsatisfactory. The leaders of these movements also remain unsatisfied in what they do because they can never accomplish ownership of the items they gain. Even legal remedies in their favor are false. The conspiracy itself has to be left before any accomplishment of ownership can be achieved. Conspiracy is just one state of ill health that leads to non-belief. The important contribution of Flat Earth Theory to a person's view of society is that it points out that non-belief in one authority (that guides a movement) can be replaced by belief in a different authority, even while participating in the same movement. In other words, when we disbelieve in an authority, that authority can be replaced with another authority by which we accomplish our goal. This replacement can take place without leaving the movement, and without sacrificing the goal. It is simply a state of being. My Flat Earth Theory, thus understood, can not only aid people to achieve well being, it can identify and undo conspiracies. Global believers worry that Flat Earth thinking leads to conspiracies against institutions, especially ones they have invested in. In my Flat Earth Model Theory conspiracies are identified and dispensed with. They are not allowed. Contact me for more on this, or for specific examples. To whit: The independence movement to found Haiti. Also, real estate based deals that turned out to be scams.
Regarding Falt Earth and Conspiracy
Updated: Jun 11, 2022
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