There are pluses and minuses to the establishment of a Flat Earth view of astrology. Because astrology is a study of mythology, not so much suns and planets, there is room for a flat earth view of mythological description of stars and planets due to the subject matter is not guided by scientific authority. The danger is that Flat Earth astrology not devolve into a description, or practice of magic. I have decided that among other types of practices, the practice of magic leads to ill health. Statements, descriptions and practices that lead to ill heath are decidedly not Flat Earth Theory.
Similarly to my warning about the description of psychic phenomena, e.g. Mandela Effect, et. al. The effort is to correct the delusion. If there is a real world description that falls under the rubric "Mandela Effect.' The first effort is to see the event as a psychological description, and not a real world event. The 2nd effort is to then correct the psychological description, recognized as a confused perception, or a collection of confused perceptions constituting a state of unbalance. This state of unbalance is the ascription of meaning from a collection of confused perceptions which define a term used for this collection.
An example is "bending a spoon by the power of the mind," which event never takes place in the physical world according to the definition of this event, but in the psychic world this term defines an event which represents a state of ill health-when it is accomplished. Flat Earth Theory does not acknowledge such psychic events as happening in the real world. Flat Earth Theory recognizes such events as states of ill health that can be corrected to bring about well being. This is also true of magic.
Generally, I do not want a comment on magic from Flat Earth Theory. The reason is because magic profoundly describes psychic events that represent real world pain, suffering, and violence to the extent that real healing from "acts of magic" may not be possible. Flat Earth Theory does have the ability to explain and to describe events that are acts of magic. Due to the nature of magical thinking, Flat Earth Theory does not have the possibility to prescribe wellness from its knowledge of magic.
Acts of magic are too often final in their conclusions, and even eternally accomplished or perpetual in their results. It is not up to Flat Earth Theory to be better than magic to accomplish results that were not intended by "magicians." In the case of classes of psychic phenomena where the end result was intended to be either good, or bad/evil Flat Earth Theory can remove the psychic event and find well being for people. In the case of "acts of magic" which are intended to be final or to act as conclusions it is not up to Flat Earth Theory to shift the meaning of results or to find closure for magical practitioners. Flat Earth Theory does not contend with authorities. It merely maintains its ability to identify conspiracy and other kinds of falseness in the actions these authorities undertake.
Therefore to the extent that astrology is the description of a system of terms and statements from which conclusions can be drawn within its own field which either entertain or inform those people who utilize the system, to that extent Flat Earth Theory can contribute a point of view relevant to the establishment of conclusions that can be entertaining, or that can provide well being to satisfy a desire for knowledge by drawing from authorities that are not scientific. I exclude both hard science, and social science as authorities to base, e.g. astrological results on.
On the other hand, to the extent that astrology is the practice of a magical art which concludes from its practice real world results which are unchangeable, or on the contrary, constantly contested, then Flat Earth Theory does not want to make any conclusions in this arena of knowledge because these actors presume to be authorities, and Flat Earth Theory can only proceed from an authority, but not one such as these, which are not based upon any real mode on knowing.